Deciding which timer video to use should be easy and straight forward. The organization begins with the color palette, and whether the video contains any music or sounds. From there each table is organized by the length of the timer, the length of the break, and how many intervals there are. As new video’s become available I will continue to add them to the lists.
Pastel Background – No music or sounds
Link | Timer | Break | Intervals |
Play ► | 10 seconds | none | 3600 |
Play ► | 1 minute | none | 600 |
Play ► | 5 minutes | none | 1 |
Play ► | 10 minutes | none | 1 |
Play ► | 10 minutes | 3 minutes | 3 |
Play ► | 15 minutes | none | 1 |
Play ► | 20 minutes | none | 1 |
Play ► | 20 minutes | 5 minutes | 10 |
Play ► | 25 minutes | none | 1 |
Play ► | 25 minutes | 5 minutes | 2 |
Play ► | 25 minutes | 5 minutes | 4 |
Play ► | 25 minutes | 5 minutes | 6 |
Play ► | 30 minutes | none | 1 |
Play ► | 30 minutes | none | 20 |
Play ► | 30 minutes | 10 minutes | 10 |
Play ► | 45 minutes | 15 minutes | 10 |
Play ► | 50 minutes | 10 minutes | 10 |
Play ► | 50 minutes | 15 minutes | 10 |
Play ► | 60 minutes | none | 1 |
Play ► | 60 minutes | 30 seconds | 10 |
Pastel Background – Has music or sounds
Link | Audio Description | Timer | Break | Intervals |
Play ► | Birds and Cards | 25 minutes | 5 minutes | 20 |
Dark Pastel Background – No sounds or music
Please note that videos highlighted in orange are in portrait video format (good for phones).
Link | Timer | Break | Intervals |
Play ► | 25 minutes | 5 minutes | 4 |
Play ► | 25 minutes | 5 minutes | 4 |
Play ► | 25 minutes | 5 min / 1 hour | 16 |
Play ► | 30 minutes | 5 minutes | 4 |
Play ► | 30 minutes | 5 minutes | 6 |
Play ► | 45 minutes | 15 minutes | 10 |
Play ► | 50 minutes | 10 minutes | 10 |
Play ► | 50 minutes | 15 minutes | 10 |
Play ► | 60 minutes | 30 seconds | 10 |
Dark Pastel Background – Has music and sounds
Contains background music from Vontmer
All of the video’s in this list contain music from my friend Vontmer. The music is generally based around the piano, and provides a very pleasant atmosphere for study or work. The first three video’s in the list have the same timer and break length, but are each different.
Link | Timer | Break | Intervals |
Play ► | 25 minutes | 5 minutes | 4 |
Play ► | 25 minutes | 5 minutes | 4 |
Play ► | 25 minutes | 5 minutes | 4 |
Play ► | 25 minutes | 5 min / 1 hour | 16 |
Play ► | 50 minutes | 10 minutes | 10 |
Black and White timers, with and without noise
Thanks for stopping by. I hope this page has been helpful.